
Orderful: The Gold Standard for Modern EDI

5min read

Today’s supply chain business landscape is shifting towards virtual data management and analytics. Logistics providers, retailers, and manufacturers are responding by optimizing their EDI infrastructures, making it easier to take advantage of new revenue opportunities.

Orderful’s has quickly become the Gold Standard for Modernizing EDI by helping customers:

  • Streamline partner onboarding from weeks to days
  • Simplify EDI integrations
  • Adopt modern API principals

Koch Industries, one of the world’s largest private companies, recently adopted Orderful to modernize its EDI infrastructure. Within one year, the company was live with 400 trading partners on Orderful—a feat that would have taken at least three or four years with Koch’s previous setup.

These impressive results are the reason Logistics Tech Outlook named Orderful one of its Top 10 Supply Chain Solutions Companies for 2022.


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